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    Success rate of Infertility Treatment

    The Success rate of Infertility Treatment is a function of many Factors/Variables and hence it is important to understand that infertility treatment success rate cannot be described as an absolute percentage but as a range depending upon the outcome of these factors. These Factors or Variables can be Broadly classified into the Following 3 Categories. Depending upon the Interplay of these 3 Factors, the range of success rate of infertility can be anywhere from (60%-100%).

    EGG: (Count & Quality) 

    The Egg Count and Egg Quality Reduces with Age and has a strong role to play in the Outcome of the Infertility Procedure. However, it is not limited to age but other Hormonal Disorders or Lifestyle Habits that can severely Impact the Egg Quality.

    SPERM: (Count & Quality)

    This Factor is Largely related to Lifestyle Habits like Smoking, Drinking or the use of Recreational drugs but associated factors like Erectile Dysfunction, Ejaculation Problems and some Medical ailments or surgery of or near the testicle organs can be the other Factors.

    EMBRYOS: (Count & Quality)

    For a Successful pregnancy to occur, a Healthy Egg of a Woman has to Fertilize with a Healthy Sperm of a Man to create an Embryo that is Successfully implanted in the Ovaries of Woman resulting in a Successful Pregnancy.

    The Fact is that all Infertility Clinics in India call out the Success rate as an average of all cases that they undertake which basically accounts for all Infertility treatment procedures and the Positive Result Percentage.

    Average IVF Treatment Success Rate.

    The Average Success Rate of Infertility Treatment Done by Dr Mona Dahiya, considered as one of the best infertility Doctor in India is 82% and amongst the Highest across all infertility centres in India. The National Average of Infertility treatment success rate by all Recognized Infertility Centres in India is approximately 60%.

    That Being said, the success rate of infertility treatment is dependent on the Assisted Infertility Technique Adopted, which is a resultant of the the Case History of the Patient. This is the key reason why every patient or Couple needs an individualized treatment protocol and that is what differentiates Little Angel IVF from other IVF Clinic in India. Infertility Techniques can be broadly classified under the following 5 Heads.

    IUI (Intrauterine insemination) Treatment: 

    IUI is a Painless Procedure that involves the injection of Male Sperms Collected in a Small Tube with a Thin Catheter that is injected through a Woman’s Vagina into the Fallopian Tubes so that sperms can fertilize with an Egg. The IUI Procedure usually takes about 15 Minutes.

    Indications for IUI Treatment: 

    IUI is typically recommended for women in their 20’s or at best early 30’s who are unable to conceive naturally. The reasons could be both Female and Male related. For Females it could be because of Ovulation disorders or Endometriosis and for Males it could primarily be attributed to Ejaculation Problems.

    IUI Success Rates: 

    The Success rate of IUI is closely related to the age of a Woman and is around 60% for Women in their 20’s and about 40% for women in early 30’s at our Centre.

    IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Treatment: 

    A Simple Procedure that is essentially about retrieving the Eggs of a Woman and Fertilizing them with Male Sperms in a Test Tube to Create an Embryo. The Embryos are then transferred into the Uterus of a Woman hoping for a successful implantation. The Process of IVF involves the prescription of certain Medicines/Injections to Stimulate Healthy Egg Retrieval and OR Healthy Sperm Collection.

    Indications for IVF Treatment: 

    If IUI has not worked (Preferably 2 Cycles), one must consider the next infertility option which is IVF.While the indications could be many but the largest percentage is about Blocked Fallopian Tubes for Women and Low Sperm Count or Sperm Quality for Men.

    IVF Success Rates:

    The Success rate of IVF can be anywhere between (70-90) % depending upon the Number of IVF Cycles that a Couple Undergoes.1 Cycle IVF Success rate is about 70%,2 Cycles IVF success Rate is about 80% and almost 90% of Couples are able to have a successful pregnancy in their 3rd attempt. The Balance 10% account require treatment through Donor Eggs and/or Donor Sperms which is amply clear after the 1st Cycle of Treatment.

    IVF with Frozen Embryos:

    Often some Couples decide to delay their Family Planning because of their Work Commitments that makes a couple stay away or Some Medical reasons or essentially a pre-decided decision to start a Family at a Later Stage in Life given their Lifestyle Choices. In Such scenarios, Embryos are Frozen so that a pregnancy can be planned at a future date.

    Indications for IVF With Frozen Embryos:

    This procedure is usually done for 2 categories of Couples. The First is for Couples who have consciously planned to have a delayed pregnancy because of their lifestyle or work commitments like celebrities or CXO level people. The second category is for couples who for some medical reasons have to freeze their embryos in advance before undergoing a medical treatment like cancer treatment or a surgery that can impact their reproductive organs

    Frozen Embryo Transfer Success Rates:

    The Success rate of Embryo Transfers is usually in the range of (80-90) % depending upon the age of a Woman which plays a key role in successful implantation. We Recommend an Embryo transfer before a woman turns 40 years of Age. 

    Embryo Transfer Success rate is almost 100% at our Clinic.

    IVF With Donor Eggs: 

    This infertility option which was not available till late 1970’s and it was only in early 1980’s that some of the first procedures were reported. However, this option has gained recognition in the past 30 years and has been a boon for women who cannot conceive through their own eggs largely due to Age factors especially for women in 40’s.

    Indications for IVF With Donor Eggs: 

    This is the Ideal Infertility Treatment Option for women who have had 3 Past Failed IVF Cycles with their own Eggs. This usually applies for women who are planning to bear a Child in their forties and as is with age the ovarian reserve is diminished and the few eggs remaining are of poor quality that will not lead to a successful implantation. Poor Egg Quality is the Biggest Indicator followed by the Count of Eggs.

    Donor Egg IVF Success Rates: 

    We have observed that Many Couples Loose precious years trying to conceive with their own Eggs through IVF even though the Infertility Doctor that they are visiting would have told them to opt for Donor Eggs. However, the good news is that the Success rate of IVF with Donor Eggs is (80-90) % as a Young Healthy Donor is Selected for Egg Donation.

    IVF with Donor Sperms: 

    This is an IVF treatment that solely addresses Male Infertility Treatment and involves the screening of Male Donor Sperms to check for any Hormonal Disorders and/or infections like HIV or Hepatitis. The Healthy Sperms of a Male Donor can be used both for IVF as well as IUI but put it simply Female Eggs are Fertilized with Donor Sperms in a Test Tube and then implanted in the ovaries of a Woman.

    Indications for IVF With Donor Sperms: 

    Sperm Abnormality that is likely to create a genetic disorder or a situation where sperms cannot fertilize because of poor quality or an absence of sperms are the key factors that require Male Infertility Treatment through Donor Sperms. Men who are excessive Drinkers and Smokers and in some cases Drug Addicts usually have Infertile Sperms or Sperms with Genetic Disorders.

    Donor Sperms Success Rates: 

    As is the Case with Donor Eggs, the Success rate of IVF with Donor Sperms is usually high with a Success rate of (80-90) % as the Screening results in ensuring that we have the Highest Grade of Male Sperms. If the Quality of Eggs are also High Grade, the pregnancy rate is usually 100%.

    The Above Explains the interplay of Various Factors and we have observed that the Average age of a Woman seeking infertility treatment in India is about 37 Years. One should Ideally start a Family before they turn 30 and must seek infertility help if they cannot conceive before 35 Years of Age. However, one should not despair as we have all the infertility treatment options.

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