IVF Treatment cost in India:
IVF Teatment Cost in India:
Infertility affects 1 in every 6 couples and IVF treatments are helping couples become proud parents. If you and your spouse are searching for IVF cost in India , one of the first things you should do is to carefully chose the right clinic and Doctor. Depending on the Patients Medical History and Fertility levels, the cost of IVF in India can be in a range of (2000-3000) USD. Little Angel IVF clinic is proud of the pregnancy rates higher than the national average in IVF Clinics in India. Little Wonder, Dr Mona Dahiya is ranked continuously as the Best IVF Specialist in India.
How much IVF Cost in Indian Rupees?
We are known for Care, Personalized Treatment, World Leading practices and Positive Results. IVF Programs at our clinic is accompanied by a number of methods which help improve IVF results and increase the chances of pregnancy, for instance assisted embryo hatching, PICSI, blastocyst culture or Embryoscope. Depending on the Patients Medical History and Fertility levels, the cost of IVF in India Rupees can be in a range of 1, 15, 000 – 2, 50, 000. At Little Angel IVF, we place the Highest emphasis to quality control within the laboratory that strictly adheres to ISO standards and Parameters. We are known for our Personalized Treatments to make sure that every patient is explained the process clearly and all the IVF procedures are aligned to the requirements of the patients. We take pride in following the Highest Ethical Standards and every Patient of Little Angel IVF can vouch for it.

IVF Doctor at Little Angel IVF:
Dr Mona Dahiya is a Globally acknowledged IVF expert with Academic Qualifications from the most Premier Institutes of India and Abroad. She has done her MBBS from India’s prestigious Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi University and MD from acclaimed Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi University. Dr Mona Dahiya has done her super specialization from Singapore General Hospital which is considered as the foremost IVF Hospital globally. She has a praiseworthy experience of over 20 years and 3000+ IVF cycles with the highest success rate, making her stand out as one of the most acclaimed IVF specialists in India.

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How Much IVF Cost in India?
For each cycle. If in case the scenario is termed to be crucial this cost estimate may go around 4, 00, 000. Then the IVF cost in India is less than the country such as the US where it is potential 500, where you’ll have to pay roughly $12 compared with India. The cost of IVF differs depending on the type you opt for. Therefore, the above cost isn’t same for all sorts. We’ve given guide of IVF Cost in India. After table is the cost assortment for IVF therapy in a few of the major towns:
- DELHI – 1, 15, 000 – 2, 50, 000
- BANGALORE – 1, 00, 000 – 2, 80, 000
- MUMBAI – 1, 00, 000 – 3, 00, 000
- CHENNAI – 1, 15, 000 – 3, 00, 000
- HYDERABAD – 1, 00, 000 – 1, 75, 000
- PUNE – 1, 40, 000 – 1, 60, 000
This is the ordinary assortment of all the IVF Treatment Cost in India.
Affordable IVF Procedure Cost in India:
Let’s discuss the cost range for all sorts of fertility treatment in India. Fertilization is a blanket term under. Following is approximate IVF Procedure Cost in India:
- Assisted Hatching – 14, 000 – 45, 000
- Frozen Embryo Transfer – 40, 000 – 70, 000
Note: The expenses mentioned above are approximate and might vary from clinic to clinic depending upon the treatment. India has become a forerunner in fertility treatment especially IVF. There is an influx of people arriving for IVF therapy to India as they could avail cost, cutting edge technology and top treatment – efficient healthcare solutions. Patient from developed and developing nations frequent India for fertility therapy as they find the IVF Procedure Cost in India to be 3-4 times lower compared to the US and the United Kingdom.
As per ISAR (Assisted society for Assisted Reproduction), there are about 500 fertility clinics in India who end up treating about 30000 patients every year seeking fertility treatment. It is estimated that 10% of these figures are international patients who fly down from Developed nations like USA, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Japan, South Korea as the cost of ivf treatment in these countries in 10 times more than the ivf cost in India. The significant difference in between IVF cost in India and other countries is one of the key reasons why people are travelling from all over the world for fertility treatment in India.